We need literacy skills more than ever.The digital world has put us into the Gutenberg Galaxy. It is much easier for us to access reading and learning environments. As such, we are now able to access digital platforms and unlimited educational media. However, the importance of printed books can still not be underestimated as schools do not develop as fast as the digital world. When digital platforms and printed materials can both be used simultaneously, we can have a better view of education.While using online media in digital platforms effectively, Designexium gives utmost importance to the traditional printed press. In a world where digital technologies are replacing many traditional education techniques of the past years, using both the traditional printed press and integrating the latest developments in technology makes Designexium an invaluable resource for education. It makes learning interesting and fun. It provides readers with many interactive activities to learn English while having meaningful conversations. Designexium places great importance to do the assessment during the learning process Feedback provided by schools and teachers is always taken into account while developing new materials and revising the existing packs.
DESIGNEXIUM AIMS TO CREATE A MORE EFFECTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT In addition to the traditional applications, it offers independent and impartial evaluation by implementing individual and institutional alternative measurement tools with technology. It provides the institutions with detailed evaluation reports. It designs and develops alternative measurement tools, checklists, and tools for process management to address the specific needs of institutions.


DESIGNEXIUM PRESENTS OBJECTIVE REPORTSOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Following the principle of equality in education, it supports equal education processes for all children on the planet. It offers contemporary and scientific education opportunities by reaching children in different locations with the Scientific Education Enterprise Association.